Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Waterfall and SCRUM method activity

Waterfall Method:

·         Water flow model requires the team of developers to gather information from the school in which they are about to create an enrollment system. Any necessary forms, data, transactions, fields, processes that are included in the system must be noted because these information are needed in the development of the system. Problems of the company must also be noted especially if the school already has an enrollment system because this will reflect the needs of the school that must be fit in the system that the team is about to develop.
·         After analyzing the needs of the schools and arranging the flow of events, processes and transactions that is needed by the school. Designing of the system will now be started. The Designer will create a design that fits for every transaction of the enrollment system; the design must be clear and not confusing to the users. The design must be correct especially in terms of typographic because this will confuse the users. Colors, fonts, borders must also be picked correctly so that it will be pleasing to the eyes of the users. The Designer must not create a design that is too hard for the Programmer to program because this will just create chaos in both Designer and Programmer because it is really hard to Program a very difficult design. After designing the desired system, the Programmer does his job in making the system operable. The Programmer program everything that the designs have to be working in correct manner as the business constraints of the school is that was analyzed first.
·         After designing and making the system operable. The team will now implement the system in the school. They are going to let the school use the system with their guidance of course. The team will teach the users of the system on how to operate it. The team must also make give them a “Manual” of the system so that if they are not around the users can sneak the Manual on how to do thing in the system.
·         The school will then verify if everything in the system is already ok. If some bugs are found then the team will fix the bug. Any features that the school wants to add or clarify must be related to their contract, if they want to add a feature then an additional budget is required.

·         If everything is already ok and working then the system is now operating in the school and the team will be maintaining the system. Any found bugs will be reported and be fix accordingly.

SCRUM Method:

·         The team preparation must be composed of preparation of the personnel on which they are going to handle a specific task like being the Project Manager, System Analyst, Designer or Programmer. The resources must also be prepared like budget, time and workstation on which they are going to work. The office or location on which they are going to plan, meet and report their output must also be settled so that anytime they can go to the office.
·         The team must schedule a meeting in the school that they are going to develop an Enrollment System. As detailed as possible is needed by the team so that in the development stage they will not be confused in a misinterpreted transaction, the task of analyzing the needs of the school must be done by the System Analyst.
·         Rapid development can already be done. First the Project Manager schedule task, then the System Analyst create diagrams for the school to understand the flow of the system that they need.
·         The Project Manager and the System Analyst will present the planned flow of the system to the school so that the school will know if the system that is planned to be created is correct and will solve the needs of the school.
·         After approving the flow if the system. The System Analyst will disseminate the things that the Designer and Programmer must be done. The Designer must start designing a prototype of the system so that the Programmer can start doing his job. Everything that the designer made must not be contrary to the Programmer even though the Designer and the Programmer often have the problems in terms of team development because of some hard designs of the Designer that the Programmer thinks it is impossible to be implemented.
·         After developing (design and functionality), that team will now present the finished output to the school and it is up to the school if the system fits to their needs or if some features are lacking then the team will again resolve the problem and create another solution for the features demanded and develop again. Of course, there will be a contract between the team and the school for the desired featured to be done. If the school will demand a feature that is out of the contract then an additional budget is required. Maintenance will be conducted by the team, if any bugs are found then the team will fix it accordingly.

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