Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Script Interview with the Alabama Bookstore

                SD – System Developers
                C – Client

SD: Good day sir, we are the system developers from Team B IT Firm
SD: May we know your name sir?
C: My name is Martin, but people call me Marvs for short.

SD: So what is your business all about?
C: Our business is a bookstore. Just a simple one that sells books and gives rental services to customers

SD: What are the services that you are offering?
C: Like I said just a while ago, our business is just a simple bookstore that sells books and lets people rent the books.

SD: How many are the users of the system? Admin, Staffs, etc.
C: The only system we will need for our bookstore is a book renting system and a book selling system. No need for an inventory for the books we just need to keep track of the payments, rentals and sold merchandises. All of this are to be managed by a staff and an admin.

SD: What are the features needed for your Bookstore Information System?
C: I already stated them in the previous question.

SD: Do you need any reports generated by the system?
C: Yes, if possible the business needs to generate income and expense reports at a monthly basis.

SD: When is the targeted deadline for your shop and Information System to open?
C: We don’t actually need it to be done right away. The bookstore can function even without these anyway.

SD: So depending on the scope of the system you want us to develop, approximately it will cost       about P100,000 for overall payment.

C:I guess that’s a reasonable price. Then I guess we’ll take it.

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